{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "2010_Traffic_Analysis_Zones", "guid": "F78A9813-ED3E-4100-B6B9-ADB92093FFEF", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The file is used to support the Regional Forecast, travel demand forecast modeling, and long-range transportation plan.", "description": "

The 2010 Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) for Southeast Michigan were created using the Michigan Geographic Framework (MGF) Census geography. Attribute data was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "The file is used to support the Regional Forecast, travel demand forecast modeling, and long-range transportation plan.", "title": "2010 Traffic Analysis Zones", "tags": [ "Traffic Analysis Zones", "TAZ", "Southeast Michigan" ], "type": "Feature Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Feature Service", "ArcGIS Server", "Feature Access", "providerSDS" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -84.1616594697238, 41.7089478458951 ], [ -82.4122986766578, 43.1838491477745 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Michigan_South_FIPS_2113_Feet_Intl", "accessInformation": "Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)", "licenseInfo": "

The following data is provided by SEMCOG for informational use only. Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this data however portions of the information may be incorrect.<\/SPAN><\/P>

When using this data please Source: SEMCOG.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }